martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Monsterburgar only at Burgerfest!

At this parcial we are making a project about preparing a hamburger or something about fast food, we have one for today a work that show what have we done with our hamburger, and we have to do many things like put price to our hamburger, and show a photo of the product we have done, but we didn´t, we don´t have prepared the hamburger yet, so Ralf told us that we don´t have a work of a Licenciature students, that we have to show him an evidence that we have done our hamburger and he also said that our project has be done a night before, that we didn´t effort enough, that we had miss a lot of things. We also had a problem about an extra teamate, because Ralf said at the begining that the team are only by 4 integrants, but we are 5, and we didn´t told anything to he. That was the problems that we have with our projects. But instead of that we are sure that we are gonig to have an excellent work.

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